Adult Teams of 3
Kids Teams of 2
Adult Teams of 3
“The Last Team Standing…Plus!”
Part A-Score 1:
1 Minute and 30 Second Intervals to Complete:
3 Synchronized Burpees
1 Athlete works at a time:
7 Clean and Jerks
7 Front Squats
Rest for the remainder of interval
*At the beginning of each new interval, teams will increase burpees by 3 reps to 6, 9, 12, etc… Clean and jerk and front squat reps will remain at 7 reps each. Teams will continue intervals until unable to complete the set of burpees, clean and jerks, and front squats in the interval.
Scaling Key:
RX: 185/125
Masters 35+: 155/105
Intermediate/Masters 45+: 135/95
Novice: 95/65
Part B-Score 2:
High Stakes Max Clean
1 Minute and 30 Second Interval:
Each Teammate gets ONE attempt at Max Weight Clean
*In the 1:30 interval immediately following the team’s final round of “The Last Team Standing,” each teammate will take one attempt at a Max Weight Clean. Score is the total weight of all 3 teammates’ clean combined. Don’t miss!
Description and Standards
Part A-Score 1:
The clock will be set for continuous 1:30 intervals. At the call of 3, 2, 1, GO! ALL THREE athletes begin with 3 synchronized burpees. The rep begins with all 3 athletes in the standing position. From there, athletes jump or step back to lie on the ground, with chests touching the ground at the same time. The rep is complete when all 3 athletes move to the standing position and jump with knees and hips extended, body straight, and hands above the head. Athletes do not have to jump and reach at the same time, however the chests of all 3 athletes must touch the ground at the same time.
From there, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 7 clean and jerks. The other two athletes must remain off the lifting platform in their designated space. Athletes can switch out at any time by setting the barbell down on the platform. Tag out is NOT required. Each rep starts with the loaded barbell on the ground. Athletes may power clean or squat clean. The rep is complete when athletes press the bar above the shoulders with knees, hips, shoulder, and elbows fully extended and both feet under the hips. Athletes may strict press, push, press, push jerk, or split jerk.
Next, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 7 front squats. The other two athletes must remain off the lifting platform in their designated space. Athletes can switch out at any time by setting the barbell down on the platform. Tag out is NOT required. Athletes may start their first rep with a squat clean if desired. The rep starts with the weight in the front rack position and the crease of the hip below the knee. The rep is counted when the athlete stands up fully with bar in the front rack position with knees and hips completely extended.
Once teams complete all required reps, they may rest for the remainder of the 1:30 interval. Teams may not start the next interval until the 1:30 mark. At this 1:30 mark, ALL THREE athletes will begin the next round with 6 synchronized burpees and continue performing the couplet of 7 clean and jerks and 7 front squats.
The work out continues in this fashion with synchronized burpees increasing by 3 reps every 1:30. Teams complete the workout when they can no longer complete the set number of burpees, clean and jerks, and front squats in the 1:30 interval.
*Score is the total number of reps completed when the workout ends.
Part B-Score 2:
The 1:30 interval will coincide with your team’s interval in Part A. In the immediate interval following your team’s incomplete round that “knock’s you out” of Part A, your team’s High Stakes Clean interval will start. There will be no rest or transition period so work fast and efficiently as a team!
Each of the 3 teammates will receive ONE attempt at a max weight clean in the 1:30 interval. The rep starts with the barbell weight loaded and collars on the bar. Athletes may clean from the ground or pull the bar to the hang position. Athletes may use a power clean, squat clean, or split clean. The rep is complete when the athlete receives the bar in the front rack position with the elbows in front of the bar and the hips/knees fully extended with feet under the hips.
All 3 teammates will have to work in this single 1:30 interval. Teammates may work together to load the barbell and collars, however only 1 athlete may be on the platform during the lift. The weight may not be reduced at anytime during the 1:30 interval for any athlete. Once your have a weight loaded for the first athlete’s lift, you may only increase weight from there. If an athlete misses their attempt, they will not receive a second attempt and will result in 0 weight. If an athlete does not complete his/her lift in the 1:30 second interval, it will result in 0 weight.
*Score is total combined weight for all 3 teammates.
Key Pointers: Part A is a “Death By” style workout. Teams will finish at different points in the event. Will you be the last team standing?! Even if you know your team is not going to fully complete your interval, get as many reps as you can as they will go towards your final score. You will not be able to move on to the next interval if your team fails to complete the required reps in an interval. Once you end Part A, your team will immediately set your weight for Part B. Stay on the floor and cheer on the remaining teams in your heat once your team finishes both parts to this workout! The ground/bar may be hot as we are outside. Bring gloves for the bar and/or have the front of your body covered during burpees if you desire. This one will be HYPE!!!
Kids Teams of 2
1 Athlete Works at a time:
3 Burpees
7 Clean and Jerks
7 Front Squats
* Increase burpees by 3 reps each round to 6, 9, 12, etc…
Scaling Key:
8-10: 15 lbs.
11-13: 30 lbs.
Description and Standards
At the call of 3, 2, 1, GO! ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 3 burpees. The rep begins with the athlete in the standing position. From there, the athlete jumps or steps back to lie on the ground, with chest touching the ground. The rep is complete when the athlete moves to the standing position and jump with knees and hips extended, body straight, and hands above the head.
From there, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 7 clean and jerks. The remaining athlete must remain off the lifting platform in their designated space. Athletes can switch out at any time by setting the barbell down on the platform. Tag out is NOT required. Depending on division, a 15lb training bar loaded with small plates will be used. In this case, athletes will bring the bar below the knee and not to the floor. Otherwise, each rep will start with the loaded barbell on the ground. Athletes may power clean or squat clean. The rep is complete when athletes press the bar above the shoulders with knees, hips, shoulder, and elbows fully extended and both feet under the hips. Athletes may strict press, push, press, push jerk, or split jerk.
Next, ONE athlete will work at a time to complete 7 front squats. The remaining athlete must remain off the lifting platform in their designated space. Athletes can switch out at any time by setting the barbell down on the platform. Tag out is NOT required. Athletes may start their first rep with a squat clean if desired. The rep starts with the weight in the front rack position and the crease of the hip below the knee. The rep is counted when the athlete stands up fully with bar in the front rack position with knees and hips completely extended.
At the beginning of each new set, athletes will increase burpees by 3 reps to 6, 9, 12, etc.
Final score is the total number of reps at the end of the 8 min AMRAP.
Key Pointers
The ground/bar may be hot as we are outside. Bring gloves for the bar and/or have the front of your body covered during burpees if you desire.